Friday, December 27, 2019
15 Tips for Successful Disagreement at Work
15 Tips for Successful Disagreement at Work15 Tips for Successful Disagreement at WorkDisagreement can happen in any setting. You can disagree with your neighbor in cubicleville. You can disagree with your boss or initiate a discussion with a coworker over lunch. But, many disagreements occur during meetings- or they should. The reason organizations hold meetings is so that employees can engage each other in discussion. Otherwise, why hold a meeting? Meetings are for discussion, decisions, and commitments. If you dont state your opinion, whether you agree or disagree, you are notlage part of the discussion. You have no reason to attend the meeting or participate on the team if you are unwilling to discuss your opinions and agree or disagree with the opinions of your fellow attendees. If youre afraid to disagree with your boss, why does he or she need you? To do what youre told? To work on tasks and action items? Or, to think, innovate, plan, and disagree? In fact, healthy disagreemen t is one of the hallmarks of a successful team. When constructive discussion and disagreement is absent, and apathy is the norm, you have a dysfunctional team or meeting. Keeping all of this in mind plus the discussion about workplace culture that was discussed in an earlier article about ?how to disagree, here are the fifteen best tips for successful disagreement. Tips for Successful Disagreement With a Colleague 1. Pick your battles wisely. If you disagree about everything, your coworkers will see you as argumentative and disagreeable. Youll develop the reputation of always disagreeing, and your reasonable disagreement will be viewed as same old, same old. So, pick areas that affect outcomes and that are substantial, meaningful, and important. 2. Dont hold a conflict when youre angry, emotional, or upset. You dont want your emotions to affect your professionalism, arguments or data presentation. Above all, you dont want your emotions to cause you to attack, name-call, or demea n your coworkers. When speaking, at any point in a disagreement, stay calm. Your successful disagreement depends on it. 3. Disagreement should not be personal. You do not disagree with your coworker because there is something wrong with her or you dont like her. You are disagreeing based on facts, experience, intuition, prior team successes and failures, your coworkers track record on similar projects, and your organizations culture. Keep the discussion impersonal by not you-ing your colleague as in you just dont understand the ramifications of what youre suggesting. No personal attacks allowed. 4. You want to validate your coworkers opinion. Identify the components with which you agree and acknowledge that you can understand or see why she might feel the way she does. Open your disagreement by repeating what the other party said rather than launching into your areas of disagreement first. Help the person feel as if he was listened to, heard out, and understood. 5. Maintain your pro fessionalism. Be respectful of your coworkers. Disagreement can be cordial, yet candid and effective. Dont try to manipulate the situation as one former coworker did- She cried. Another was always on the attack. He saved up his ammunition and hit his coworkers with everything he had in his arsenal on occasion. Neither employee was successful, and their professional reputations suffered. 6. Understand what your coworker needs, fears, and hopes to obtain from the solution. If you identify what is at stake in the issue, the problem solving, the recommendation, or project, you are more likely to connect with your coworker to successfully disagree.Ask questions like these Whats your real concern about the project? Whats bothering you about this current solution? What has to occur for you to comfortably stab und sttze a solution? Are you comfortable with any aspects of my suggestion? 7. Only speak for yourself. In a small company, freelance writers interact on a forum. Members were regula rly annoyed by one colleague who posts frequently. It took a while to figure out the problem with this particular persons posts, but her fatal action is that she consistently tries to speak for all of the freelancers. She uses statements like We all feel this way. This is the change wed all like to see. When coworkers speak this way, they think that they are putting weight behind their thoughts but all it does usually is make people angry. Or, in the case of a coworker, the individual might see it as ganging up on her. Your coworker may also become distracted from the actual topic of the discussion as she pursues asking about who we is. So, using the word we or any equivalent is unlikely to help with your disagreement. 8. Step back from your job and how you perform a particular activity. To effectively disagree, you must be able to look at the situation from your coworkers functional point of view. The further up the organizations hierarchy your job is, the more important it becomes to look at each issue from a total organizational view. You must be open to new ideas and different ways of approaching problems. Why is your way the best way when other ways to obtain the same, or even better result, exist? In organizations, employees who can think about optimizing for the whole organization are the people who are promoted. 9. Avoid interrogating your coworker. Asking questions to understand your coworkers viewpoint is appropriate. Throwing out an unending stream of questions to trip him up, confuse the issue, make him look silly or uninformed is not. It is also insulting and childish. 10. State the facts (if you have any) and share your knowledge. You can bring your experience, expertise, knowledge, and any data that you have that might support a direction to the table. You may talk about them to move your team forward. But, the opposite must be avoided.Just because something was tried, and didnt work in the past, doesnt mean that it wont this time. The problem i s different. The players are different. Even the will to make the solution work may have changed. 11. Speak to common interests and needs. Just as you started out the discussion by identifying what you and your coworker agree on, focus your discussion on shared interests and desired outcomes. If your coworker thinks that the two of you are headed in the same direction or have a shared outcome in mind, disagreement about how to get there is less scary and contentious. 12. Listen to try to see your coworkers point of view. In a successful disagreement setting, both coworkers can state clearly the other partys position on the issue. If you cant, examine your listening. Use the technique of feeding back to your colleague what you believe he said. For example, say, John, I believe that your position is this ___. That tells your colleague that you are listening to what he has to say. People waste a lot of time in arguments that could have been avoided if they just understood the other per sons position better. They argue over ostensible disagreements and details. 13. Avoid putting down your coworkers beliefs, interests, and ideas. You can have a disagreement with coworkers without making them feel like what they value or think is wrong. In fact, check your judgmental self at the door when you attend a meeting. Showing disrespect for a colleagues ideas or position is inappropriate anywhere but especially at work. Making fun of them is even worse. Be careful of gentle teasing, too. Many of your coworkers were raised by mothers who taught them that behind every bit of teasing is a grain of truth. 14. The goal is not to win but to clear the air in any disagreement at work. You want to know that the issues have been carefully discussed and thought about deeply. You want to make sure that your relationship with your colleague is intact.If you win, you also lose, because your co-worker lost. That loss will hang heavy in your relationship, and it will affect your ability to disagree in the future. It is also important that your coworker and you are clear about your areas of agreement and disagreement. 15. Compromise when necessary. You may not agree on everything, but dont let that fact keep you from reaching a general agreement on a direction or a solution. In an organization, you cant freeze in place and do nothing just because you havent found a perfect solution that all parties own. You will need to agree to disagree on aspects of the solution or problem-solving. In a compromise, you need to make sure that the conceded items are ones that you can live with following the meeting. At the same time, you want to avoid consensus decision making in which the lowest common denominator determines the course of action. Consensus decision making can cause low-quality decisions and solutions as a team struggles to come up with a solution that is acceptable to all. Disagreement can be difficult, and many people find it scary. But, if you practice these fiftee n approaches to conflict, youll find that most of what you worry about wont happen. The majority of your coworkers want to reach agreement on solutions and solve problems. They want to maintain positive relationships with their coworkers. They want to be thought of favorably, and they seek a seat on the list of good employees. The key to conflict and disagreement is that following all of the talking all players must support and own the decisions reached. It is injurious to your organization to have employees pulling in different directions, second-guessing decisions, and sending mixed messages to coworkers and customers. This is not to suggest that you cant relook at decisions as time and experience bring you more information. But to start, your job is to make the current decisions work.
Monday, December 23, 2019
7 ways youre insulting your boss without knowing
7 ways youre insulting yur boss without knowing7 ways youre insulting your boss without knowingEveryone knows when they have accidentally stumbled into a remove-foot-from-mouth situation. Regardless of your intention, everyone has fumbled in their otherwise professional state. Most of the time, these are fixable with an apology, quick, witty follow-up or some well-timed distance. However, in certain instances, your day-to-day mannerisms, your habits or your conversations tactics can be subtly insulting to your manager. This can be a difficult fact to wrestle with and manage, considering everyone has different working styles, preferences and mentalities about what defines professionalism.While we should all be diplomatic, respectful and thoughtful when dealing with others, sometimes we say things we should not have said or that hit a sensitivity that we did not foresee, career expert Jill Tipograph explains. Being sensitive to that and prepared to acknowledge our blunder is crucial to being respected by your manager, or anyone who might feel wrongedSo what are some ways you might be offensive without realizing it? Here, career experts share what to think twice about the next time you have a meeting with your bossYou talk politicsEspecially given the current jarring and unpredictable political climate, discussing the latest updates from the White House will inevitably come up in the office. However, business coach Christine Argo explains bringing up your opinion is potentially a landmine for conversations. When this happens, you will either be met with silence - or prompted to begin a debate. Even if your manager isnt part of the initial discussion, if they overhear the argument or learn of it later, they could find it respectful of productivity. And, potentially even more harmful to your career, they could be on the opposite side of your views.Your boss will most likely recognize that debating politics at work is not appropriate, but your point of view may easi ly insult them and leave them less than enthused about working more closely with you on special projects, Argo warns. Unless you work in an environment where everyones political beliefs are clear, save your point of view for after work.You correct themEven if you directly report to the CEO of your company, he or she is bound to make a mistake (or many) here and there. But should you call them out? Negative. As workplace expert Amy Cooper Hakim explains, even if you are an expert in your field, routinely correcting someone who signs your paycheck is a no-no. Considering no one is perfect and no one has all of the answers, it is better to acknowledge any mishaps privately, instead of embarrassing your manager in front of the team.Use care with your tone and support any suggestions by explaining how youve seen the idea work well in other instances, she continues.You are always lateWhile some people find it second-nature to map out the time it will take them to reach point B from point A, others often underestimate and end up arriving too late, too much of the time. Your friends and your partner might nod along and accept your tardiness as a character flaw and love you anyway, but your manager is likely secretly stewing each and every time you mutter an Im sorry. Traffic was schwimmbadArgo says without using words when youre late, you send the message that your time is more valuable than anyone elses. This is not the message you want to be sending to your boss, she continues. Show up on time, or better yet a few minutes early. It may just give you time to chat with your boss about non-work things, which always builds good report.You interrupt themWhen your mother taught you to mind your Ps and Qs toward your grandmother, teacher and your best friends parents, they probably nudged you when you spoke out of a turn. Part of becoming successful is learning how to not only express your expertise and talent but take time to genuinely listen to others. While you might be in a rush to prove your smarts to your manager, if you talk over your boss (or ahem, anyone), they will easily become annoyed.Give your boss the respect he deserves and wait for him to finish speaking before sharing your idea. When you show respect to others, you are more likely to receive it in return, Hakim explains.You throw meetings off trackHaving a solid sense of humor can come in handy after a stressful client meeting, when your colleague is recovering from a hangover or when the office is in desperate need of a belly laugh. Being pegged as the office clown isnt necessarily a bad hat to wear, but Argo explains it is important to understand when your jokes are welcome, and when they are disruptive to meeting goals. When a boss recognizes you routinely throw meetings off their agenda - they will be less likely to invite you to participate.It demonstrates you dont value their time or position and could leave them frustrated with your job performance, Argo says. Before you star t singing a jingle during a meeting, ask yourself is this the time for this? Breaking the tension is one thing, but completely diverting the meeting is disrespectful.You make assumptions about their life.Though some managers are open about every last detail of their life - from their potty-training toddler to the fight they had with their spouse - others choose to be mum about anything unrelated to work. If you happen to work with a boss in the later crowd, asking questions that might make them feel uncomfortable or making assumptions based off of impressions will send you packing up your desk ASAP.If your boss keeps their cards close to their chest, just dont even go there. Avoid making comments that infer things about your boss life and lifestyle, Argo recommends. Or better yet, get to that meeting early and strike up a conversation, you might find out something you didnt know.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How to Make Your Boss Look Good
How to Make Your Boss Look GoodHow to Make Your Boss Look GoodYour boss is one of the most important people in your career, but even great managers arent perfect. Wondering how to make your boss look good without coming off as a kiss-up or compromising your principles? Can it even be done? Absolutely.Making your boss look good isnt about being the first to say something positive or pretending an idea is better than it really is. You dont have to feel like youre abandoning your principles or standards to shine a positive light on your manager. Here are five ways to make your boss look good without sacrificing your dignity1. Give credit where its dueOne of the easiest ways to make your boss look good is to simply acknowledge his or her contributions when one of your projects goes well and praise comes your way. If your manager contributed to the success (even in small way), be sure to mention it. Publicly praising your manager - and other helpful creative colleagues who pitched in - shows everyone that youre a team player who appreciates the help you get from others.2. Always focus on the positivesYour managers list of skills, accomplishments and virtues may be a mile long, or it may leave something to be desired. Some bosses are certainly easier to compliment than others, but theres always something praiseworthy to talk about Maybe your boss is approachable and humorous, maybe you work for someone with the uncanny ability to inspire others, or perhaps he or she helped you plot your career path. Find the positives whether youre talking with the newly hired intern, a manager from another department, or the CEO.3. Flag issues earlyYour performance reflects on your boss. So, when theres a storm brewing - an unhappy client, communication breakdowns with other departments, a malfunctioning copy machine - your boss needs to be one of the first to know. While you dont want to tell your employer about every issue that arises, you also dont want to let your boss get b lindsided by bad news or challenging situations. These decisions can be tricky, so try seeing things from your managers perspective Would you want to know about this?4. Offer help when you canIf you have extra time on your hands, find out where your boss needs additional assistance and get to it. You might offer to help with copy editing, research or attending a meeting on his or her behalf. Simply put Ask where your boss could use some help, and then do what you can to pitch in.5. Look good yourselfBe a positive force all on your own. Whatever your responsibilities, commit to giving your all. The higher-ups will see your boss managing a dedicated and hard-working employee, and that will reflect positively on both of you.In the end, you dont have to kiss up to anyone to make your boss look good. Be a loyal and team-oriented employee and your boss - and your bosss boss - will notice.Read our free guide on how to navigate office politics now
Friday, December 13, 2019
Jack of All Trades One Resume or Several
Jack of All Trades One Resume or SeveralJack of All Trades One Resume or SeveralJack of All Trades? One Resume or Several?Many long-time federal employees struggle with focusing their federal resume when they are seeking new positions or promotions. After 10 or 20 years, a typical federal employee has worn at least 4 to 6 hats and can be qualified for several different occupational series. The goal is to be deemed best qualified to be referred to a supervisor and invited to interview. The Jack of All Trades federal resume approach is not recommended. Its best to focus each resume toward one or two occupational series and even three series, which are closely related with functional or technical skills. Lets analyze Johns dilemma in writing and targeting his federal resume.John is a GS-13 with 20 years of experience who is looking for a new position. He says, I am the jack of all trades with experience in Human Resources, Budget, Finance, Procurement, Facilities, Asset Management, IT P roject Management, Program Analysis, Supervision, Capital Planning and Investment Control to name (my specialties) that come to mind. I understand that each job must be tailored, but with the job market like it is, I think I need to leverage all my experience and consider many types of positions.It is important to understand that some resume writing strategies are better than others. John has two options. He can write one resume covering all of the different accomplishments and skills he possesses or create at least four or more different resumes that each feature a certain skill set and add accomplishments for each skill set tailored to the specific job he is apply for, while leaving out irrelevant and old experience. Remember, menschengerecht resources specialists and supervisors will review your last 10 years of experience, so make sure you only analyze, write and present the specialized areas of expertise for these recent positions.In Johns example, I would recommend four differ ent resumes.Since John performs budget, finance and procurement duties for more than 50 percent of his day, this should be the first resume. Each of the specialized areas requires a paragraph to describe the scope of work. For a GS-13, this resume requires a description of the financial responsibilities, examples of financial and budget reports, and procurement activities for customers. John should add accomplishments and specific details for all three specializations.John has been also been working in the facilities, assets, investments and capital planning division of a large department. This position involves facilities oversight and real estate management. This is a very specialized series, thus it is important to make this Johns second resume. It will require accomplishments and detailed descriptions of assets and capital planning projects. The set of skills for this type of a position is specific and there will be fewer jobs available in Facilities and Asset Management at the GS-13 level.Program Analysis and project management is the fruchtwein general of the skill sets and could be the most marketable. In this third resume, John needs to demonstrate how he analyzes programs for efficiency and effectiveness utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods writes and presents briefs consults with program participants advises on solutions and gives recommendations. This occupational series is popular and he should be able to find these positions in every agency and every state.Throughout Johns career, he has managed daily operations, supervised staff, written position descriptions, trained staff, ensured work performance and managed the office budget. Therefore, Johns fourth resume should include his roles as an administrative officer in human resources, supervision and budget. All agencies have administrative officer positions with promotion potential to GS-15.You dont go to battle without a plan. If you are seeking to advance or change your career to a new agency or state, you need to first identify your skills sets, then determine the various resume targets and finally begin researching specific new positions. Once you have several resumes drafted, you are primed and ready to launch a solid campaign for your new position.Kathryn Troutman is the author of The Federal Resume Guidebook. Kathryn is a popular Federal Resume Writing trainer throughout government, teaching the latest KSA in the Resume writing methods. She is founder and president of The Resume Place, Inc., experts in Federal Career Consulting and Federal Resume Writing, a service geschftliches miteinander located in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
What Everybody Is Saying About Federal Resume Template 2018 Is Dead Wrong and Why
What Everybody Is Saying About Federal Resume Template 2018 Is Dead Wrong and Why You need to ensure the HR specialist can clearly observe the one-year specialized work experience thats near the announcement. When applying for your very first job announcement please keep the info updated for future bids. The vacancy announcement is a significant place to source the info you will have to customize your federal resume in truth, its required All USAJOBS vacancy announcement needs to be read and interpreted ahead of application. Federal hiring managers wish to know you can follow instructions until they consider your actual qualifications. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. The Federal hiring procedure is tedious, not not possible. Depending where youre in your federal job search, you could have already learned that your one-to-two-page private sector resume wont be sufficient. Though it is necessary to list you r work responsibilities and day-to-day duties, you should make sure that you distinguish yourself from the remainder of the applicant pool. The very first task is being part of the recruitment and placement of an upcoming employee. Developing a federal resume is an incredibly thorough procedure, and it is quite crucial that you understand just how to code or write your USAJobs resume to create a hiring authoritys interest in you. On the contrary, its an automated on-line system that could actually stop you mid-application in case you dont meet the job qualifications. The Dos and Donts of Federal Resume Template 2018 The sentences are choppy, incomplete and dont tell a complete story. Suggestions to compose the earning resume cover letter will definitely help you in the job hunt. Or, it can sound like youre writing a biography which is not so personal or interesting. Creating your resume is essential. Job aspirants ought to take note of a resume schablone instead of a progr ams vitae template. Task aspirants must be aware of a resume template instead of a curriculum vitae template. NOW you should forget all you know about other resume format or templates youve ever read about or seen. Youre searching for simple resume templates. To begin with, templates have to be comprehensive. The templates are made in a way that they make the resume be noticeable. What to Do About Federal Resume Template 2018 Successful candidates are well qualified, but theyre also prepared. Resumes are written depending on the physical fitness evaluations. After vigorous interviewing, the HR Specialist will subsequently decide, alongside the Manager, which candidate theyll hire. You want to advertise yourself by developing a summary that includes your best accomplishments and most notable skills. Well, Your experience should address every necessary qualification. Because want to get the job. Candidates who depict deep understanding of the insurance policy world in their resumes are somewhat more inclined to be called in for an interview. The History of Federal Resume Template 2018 Refuted When youre asking for employment which then relies on the skills of the individual, you require a resume design you are able to inject a little more personality into to make it pop. Be certain you list those who can easily and happily talk about your abilities and character. By writing in first person who you find it possible to demonstrate your true character for an individual and company owner. Especially in a government position, character and integrity is important, so be certain to have strong references that could vouch for you. Federal Resume Template 2018 - Overview Be certain to highlight your key achievements so that you display your personal price. So, your resume must be somewhat much perfect. A weak accomplishment is nearly as bad as listing no accomplishments in any respect. Accomplishments with a couple of details are typically not added into the resume and if theyre in the resume, they are combined with the fundamental duties and consequently, the accomplishment is really hard to discover. It is simple to read, and they are able to get the keyword phrases and qualifications EASILY when theyre reading hundreds of applications. Utilizing resume templates enable you to make sure that youre appropriately showing off all the accomplishments which will youve done, and moreover allow you to make certain you might set your thoughts collectively in a means that will allow you to acquire attractive for a huge selection of one-of-a-kind work on the market in which youre applying for. The USAJOBS application procedure is intended to weed out candidates who cant follow precise instructions. The procedure for building your resume and applying online might take several hours.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers - Spark Hire
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers - Spark HireSelf-help books usually get a bad rap. Lets face it, theyre usually associated with people that are trying to pull themselves out of some dramatic issue like, How to Survive Divorce or YOU On a Diet. While that may be true, these self-help books shouldnt be pushed to the side and excluded because of it. In fact, millions of people all across the globe have probably picked up a couple self-help books and improved their life, business or company. One of the most memorable self-help books is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It was this title that got us thinking about what the 7 habits of highly effective managers are. So lets take a look at what some of those habits are, shall we?Give Your Employees FeedbackOne of the signs of a great manager is they provide their employees with effective feedback when it is needed. Most companies or managers will instill a quarterly or semiannual review where employees and managers can disc uss their progress, goals, etc. However, great managers give feedback whenever they get the chance. Blogging4Jobs states that giving this kind of feedback keeps employees in the know and on par with what you want. Plus, just having a good communication link with your employees is a plus and will keep their morale in good standing.Be At WorkYou may have had a manager before that was barely ever in the office. They were either too important to have to come in everyday or they just never seemed to be around. Its likely that a manager like this doesnt have very loyal employees. On top of that, its very doubtful that they were all on the same page. In buchung for your employees to trust and respect you, you have to be in the office with them. This way their gruppe leader is on board and they will likely know what direction you want them to go in.Having a manager in the office daily will also work to diffuse any issues that arise. (And lets face it, all offices have their issues and quarr els at some point.) Being there you will be able to see what is going on and resolve any issues that come up before they grow into larger ones. Plus, if youre the gruppe leader- which is what a manager should be- then you need to be there for your team. How many coaches do you know that stay home while their team is at a game or event? Probably none.Dont MicromanageNothing tells your team that you distrust them more than micromanaging their work. We get it, you are very passionate about your work and want to be sure its all up-to-par. However, hovering over your employees work and double-checking or reviewing every single piece of work is stifling. Plus, how do you even have the time for that? You hired the team you have to do a job, right? Well then let them do it. If you dont think they are capable then perhaps you need to hire someone else. If you simply dont trust anyone to put out what you want, then perhaps the problem is you. Give your employees a good balance of freedom and feedback and youre on the right track.Be a Good ListenerThere is a difference between hearing and listening. Some managers certainly hear what their employees are saying, but never listen. Its inevitable that as a manager you will be talking and delegating tasks. However, in order to be a good communicator you need to listen as well. Listen to your team and they will respect you for it.Know Your StrategyWhen a teams manager has a lack of vision for their work, things get really tricky. For one, the team doesnt know what is expected of them and theres a lack of communication. As a manager you should have a clear strategy or at least a clear idea of what you expect from your team. Have clear goals and make sure your team knows what they are.Remember You are Part of a TeamYou may be the leader of your team, but remember and always know who it is that is getting this work done. Without your team, your overall goals would not be met and progress would dwindle. Recognizing this and knowin g it makes it easier to show it. When you show your team that you appreciate them, they will respect you and want to do a better job for you. They will be highly productive because they know their work is appreciated fully. Remember the importance of employee appreciationAvoid BoredomLast but not least, a good team manager or leader wont let their team get bored or stagnant. A good manager realizes that things need to be changed or altered every now and then to keep their team on their toes. Without changing things up a bit, your team will get bored, and boredom usually leads to laziness. Like Blogging4Jobs states, assign new tasks, switch up the environment or switch up team members or groups. Stagnancy is something most employees want to avoid, so be a good manager and be sure your office isnt stagnant.IMAGE Courtesy of The Reasonable Bachelor
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